Antigua. Ah, bliss. What a glorious place to spend Thanksgiving. Somewhere between riding horses up active volcanoes, roasting marshmallows over lava, getting hair wraps and buying pounds of fresh fruit for 5 Quetzals/lb (roughly $.60) we could not stop marveling at the colorful architecture, smiling beautiful Guatemalan faces and the rich culture that engulfed the cobblestone streets.
So Kelly, Kelly and I got hair wraps like 7 year olds. Mine is brown, white and teal. It looks like an iguana tail and Zach thinks it looks like a salad finger. JAJAJAJA
The view of the mountains and volcanos that surround the city
Loads of fresh produce at the market, we couldn't get enough. Just so many raisins and pinas and dates and goodness.
Volcano jumping, view from the roof of the hostel and epic horseback riding shot - elevation: 7,000 ft.
I absolutely adored this woman. She gave us chocolate covered coffee beans and chocolate truffles and called us her "loves" and smiled like there would be no tomorrow and if I go back to Antigua, I will find her and take her home with me. The end.
Volcano jumping, view from the roof of the hostel and epic horseback riding shot - elevation: 7,000 ft.
Things I've learned lately:
1. Take every opportunity
2. Hitchhike ALL the time
3. If some random guy named Benecio invites you over to his house, just go.