Please check out the link below to help support a family here in Los Fuertes.
Real contentment has nothing to do with either prosperity or poverty. Contentment is an inside job, the result of knowing God and living life against the backdrop of eternity.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
friday morning lights
My old Bible study leader used to tell us that her prayer for us was that we would grow closer to the Lord each and every day. I love that prayer. But what does it really mean? GROW CLOSER. You can interpret it differently, for sure. I think that one way I feel closer to God is when I am consistently seeking his truth and will for my life which, is phenomenal and all but sometimes I get so caught up in the future that I completely forget what is happening here and now. Yes, I believe that goals are important. Big dreams are necessary. Prayers are essential. And I fail all of the time. I fail my friends, I fail my family, and I fail my students. BUT! I am learning. I am still learning after all of these years. Thank you Lord for your patience, I REALLY appreciate it. I also really want to be a great teacher and this past quarter has been muy interesante. I sometimes feel like I have NO idea what the hay I am doing and as I reflect on the past few months, I think of a lot of things I can definitely work on as an individual, teacher, friend and peer. More planning, less distractions. More love, less frustrations. More giving, less receiving. More laughing, less screaming. An opportunity is defined as: a situation or condition favorable for attainment of a goal. The large corporation I used to work for described your "weaknesses" as "opportunities." I want to make sure that I am constantly striving to improve my "opportunities," and use every opportunity that I am presented with as a chance to shine for His glory.

"It's not about perfection; it's about our intimacy with God, our connection, our relationship with God. Once we get through that, once we realize that we can be imperfect, flawed, broken; those kinds of things are the ingredients of spirituality." [Mike Yaconelli]

"It's not about perfection; it's about our intimacy with God, our connection, our relationship with God. Once we get through that, once we realize that we can be imperfect, flawed, broken; those kinds of things are the ingredients of spirituality." [Mike Yaconelli]
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
where the skies are so blue
Tropical storm Richard came and left on Sunday morning and fortunately did not cause too much damage or destruction here in Roatan. The power was out for the day, there were some downed power lines, debris and lots of seaweed. We headed to West End to meet up with some friends later in the afternoon and brought back a few to eat some of Amber's delicious homemade chili in the dark. We sat around candles and talked with our new amigos and when the power came back on around 9pm, there were victory dances to be had by everyone.
Monday we didn't have school and we woke up to the most beautiful day. 84 degrees, bright blue skies and no clouds. GLORY!! I believe yesterday was the first day in October that it didn't rain. The guys headed to climb big rocks and do manly things in the East End and the girls decided to walk to the gorgeous West Bay, which ends up taking about an hour. We trudged through some thick mud, Ali almost lost her sandals and Amber about face planted in the thigh-high seaweed dirt masses. HILARIOUSSSS!!

Man I love me some vitamin D. This week our students have half days at school as a result of their quarter exams. Where the junk did October go??!! Time is flying by!! And what should I be for Halloweeeeen....
I hear the Panthers finally won on Sunday.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
en route to... venezuela.
I love unforgettable Fridays. We strolled into school ready to start the beautiful day only to witness our Cafeteria chef beating said rat (see previous post) with a baseball bat, killing it in front of the audience of about 30 ninos y maestros. It was actually hilarious. Poured all day, per usual, and then the girlies had a home volleyball game. They were victorious in their efforts and it was an exciting competition.
Jaime drove the bus filled with screaming 6th graders over to the Alvarado's beautiful home on their own private beach to roast marshmallows, play more volleyball, worship and get to know our children during youth group. It was amazing. Harrison taught them how to make a proper s'mores (pronounced shhmore) which, they had never done before! We played some futbol and watched the sun set before Erin spoke to the group about the Samaritan woman at the well. She did an absolutely phenomenal job and really connected with the audience. Love her!
We headed over to Joseph's glamourous crib to hang out with the Roatan Rotary, eat pizza and devour some delicioso Garifuna chocolate pudding cake. We met his fabulous daughter Janette who was celebrating her birthday. John, Kelly and I decided to venture out to French Harbour to explore the nighttime social activities later on. As we were finishing our popcorn and walking down to the road to catch a taxi, we hitched a ride from 2 extremely generous Venezuelans who were also hitting the town. Danny and Alex were their names, cousins traveling together and had only been in Roatan for a day. They drove us to ROA and then we decided to head to West End, where the real party was. Every person we have met thus far during our time here on the island, was at this bar. We had a blast dancing and getting to know our newly found amigos. I also met a very nice group of people from Israel. I LOVE NEW FRIENDS. SUCCESS.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
rat a tat tat

Totally about to gank some thunder from K. Swope (HAPPY 22nd CHICA!!) because I love her 1st graders. She decided it would be a phenomenal idea to catch some tadpoles from our puddles of rain near our casa and bring them to class to watch them grow. She is such a wonderful teacher. They decided to name the 5 little guys:
1. The little mermaid
2. Megaplaza (a shopping mall near our school)
3. Chuck
4. Umberto
5. Brownie
I am also on a mission to find one of these for my sister, Katie, who wants one for Christmas:

I guess I will be climbing some trees.
We received some cray cray news today from our Academic Coordinator (Principal for all you Amuuricaaans) Nina. Apparently there is an epidemic of leptospirosis currently spreading through Nicaragua and Central America is taking necessary precautions. Our school has a pequeno mice and rat problema so they are investigating tonight, deciding if the issue is large enough to consider fumigation and if so, school will be cancelled for a few days. Hello anti-bacterial soap and lysol.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
all my homies
The Lord gave me 7 special gifts a few months ago.
E Peezy, K deezy, Harry J, Z Stanke, Ali, Amba J y Dr. John.
They are THE BOMB.
God knew what he was doing when he handpicked each one of us to be here in Roatan for the year.
From Donald Miller's bloggy blog:
"Dr. Dean Ornish is a heart surgeon and has done extensive research involving heart health. His findings were surprising. What is most important to heart health, according to Ornish, is community. That’s right…other people. Patients who suffered from a heart attack were more likely to recover if they had a dog, and also if they were in a good marriage, and then also if they were part of a close-knit community. They could also take medicine, but the medicine helped about as much as the community, Ornish found. In other words, we were designed to work best when we were in loving relationships.
It’s no wonder that so much of Scripture is addressed to groups. We were designed to live in community."
We grow together. We cry together. We spray bug spray on each other. We cook together. We laugh ALL THE TIME together. I don't get sick of these people. I use their stuff like it is mine. We fold each others laundry. We sing and dance together. We wax together. (jajajaja) We encourage each other. We pray together. We ride deep in tailgates together.
I am obsessed with my community. Are you?
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
hurricane party
Well, Hurricane Paula was coming to party on Roatan but she decided to skip up to the Yucatan Peninsula instead. Hooray! School was cancelled today because of the warnings and it was such a blessing because we all had LOTS of work to get done for our quarter tests coming up. Exciting times in Sandy Bay. It would also be exciting if I had some sort of word processing suite on my mac to make decent study guides. Note to self: buy Microsoft word ASAP.
Some lyrics to a song by have hit me pretty hard as of late, thought I would share:
Why are you striving, these days?
Why are you trying, to earn grace?
Why are you looking, for love?
Why are you still searching, as if I'm not enough?
Please don't fight
These hands that are holding you
I am finding that I seem to always be on a constant quest and search for something new, something exciting, something worthy of my attention. I am usually seeking adventures, seeking experiences and I am usually not satisfied. I am a happy and joyful human being, but I never seem to be content. I find this to be somewhat of a selfish quality. Yes, seeking new thrills and finding hidden treasures is lovely and wonderful. I believe that the Lord gave us these tiny and beautiful minds for a reason, so we could not simply wrap them around the unfathomable awesomeness of His creation and be content. He gave us curiosity, a thirst for truth and goodness, inquisitive minds that are always asking "WHY?" or maybe more like "WHAT THE JUNK??" At least he did me.

Paul explains to us in Philippians 4:12 that: He knows what it is to be in need, and he knows what it is to have plenty. He has learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
Jeremiah 29:13 says: "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart."
Amos 5:4 says: "Seek me, and LIVE."
Psalm 27:8 says: "My heart says of you, "Seek His face!" Your face, Lord, I shall seek."
1 Chronicles 16:11 says: "Look to the Lord and His strength, seek His face always..."
Isaiah 1:17 says: "Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow."
The word "seek" is used approximately 244 times in the Bible.
No wonder we are constantly seeking. Although, my seeking is not always Godly. It is too often for earthly and material possessions, here and now moments, the Thai peanut bowl at the Noodle Shack, attention from boys and the approval of human beings.
Time to sneak a peek seek inside my heart and dump the trash.
Thank you Lord that your steadfast love is never ending and your mercies are new every morning. [Lamentations 3:22]

Our morning sunrise.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
motivate me
I love quotes. I have a running document of about 104 pages of quotes I have collected since high school. I keep this document on my desktop and I look at it frequently. Sharing! (a few) Happy hump day.
"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars..." -jack kerouac

Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and the unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. -Bertrand Russell
It's not about perfection; it's about our intimacy with God, or our connection, our relationship with God. Once we get through that, once we realize that we can be imperfect, flawed, broken; those kinds of things are the ingredients of spirituality. - Mike Yaconelli
Do the common things in life in an uncommon way. -Washington Carver
Invincible, just like you feel. The world is their oyster. They believe they're destined for great things, just like many of you; their eyes are full of hope, just like you. Did they wait until it was too late to make from their lives even one iota of what they were capable? But if you listen real close, you can hear them whisper their legacy to you. Go on, lean in. Listen, you hear it? - - Carpe - - hear it? - - Carpe, carpe diem, seize the day, make your lives extraordinary. -Dead Poet's Society
Daniel Webster, the great American statesman who was considered by many to be the brightest man of his generation, was once asked, “what is the greatest thought you have ever contemplated? he replied, “the greatest thought I have ever had and the most important thing I have ever learned is that I am personally accountable to the God of all Creation. Imagine that! You and I (and every other person) will one day face the One who spoke the universe into existence, the One to whom we owe life itself. What an awesome thought, and what a motivation to live the right life, think the right thoughts, and speak the right words and do the right things.
"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars..." -jack kerouac
Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and the unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. -Bertrand Russell
It's not about perfection; it's about our intimacy with God, or our connection, our relationship with God. Once we get through that, once we realize that we can be imperfect, flawed, broken; those kinds of things are the ingredients of spirituality. - Mike Yaconelli
Do the common things in life in an uncommon way. -Washington Carver
Invincible, just like you feel. The world is their oyster. They believe they're destined for great things, just like many of you; their eyes are full of hope, just like you. Did they wait until it was too late to make from their lives even one iota of what they were capable? But if you listen real close, you can hear them whisper their legacy to you. Go on, lean in. Listen, you hear it? - - Carpe - - hear it? - - Carpe, carpe diem, seize the day, make your lives extraordinary. -Dead Poet's Society
Daniel Webster, the great American statesman who was considered by many to be the brightest man of his generation, was once asked, “what is the greatest thought you have ever contemplated? he replied, “the greatest thought I have ever had and the most important thing I have ever learned is that I am personally accountable to the God of all Creation. Imagine that! You and I (and every other person) will one day face the One who spoke the universe into existence, the One to whom we owe life itself. What an awesome thought, and what a motivation to live the right life, think the right thoughts, and speak the right words and do the right things.
Monday, October 4, 2010
somebody to love
I can't believe it's already October. Fall is in the air and the rainy season has officially begun which leaves the temperature a delightful 75 degrees during the day. I'm ready for some pumpkin bread. School is in full swing after all of our parades and days off and hurricane scares. I hope my students are having as much fun as I've been having. Casey, one of my 7th graders, gave me a big hug yesterday when he received his test on The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. He got a 92. I am currently working with my classes on public speaking and oral presentations; they are going to be pros once I am done with them. I love the freedom the school gives us. If I want to spend a week on Edgar Allen Poe or Taebo, I can do so.
Recently, the other teachers and I have been blessed with a plethora of opportunities to serve in and around our community. We don't want to run ourselves ragged so we've trying to decide where we want to spend our time. There is an ESL school for adults down the road and a few of us have taught there in the evening time after school, which has been humbling. My roommate Amber and I have decided to help lead worship at Rchurch in West Bay, WE ARE SO EXCITED!! She will be singing and I will be playing the guitar. What an amazing opportunity to use our gifts for the Lord. We met a man named Joseph last week who has an incredible story. His non-profit organization, helps those who have been rescued from the underground drug and sex trafficking businesses here on the island. He has built some phenomenal relationships here that have allowed him to work very closely with the community and we are hoping to plug into the vocational training his ministry supplies to the rescued individuals. His heart is HUGE and I can't wait to start helping.
A monkey who takes care of kittens in Brick Bay.
Kelly and I went exploring in Coxenhole last Saturday and met a homeless man while we were sitting by the water. We offered to buy him some food but his plea ended in frustration and anger, leaving a chair knocked over and Kelly and I in a taxi on our way back home. I've never felt any imminent threats here, I feel very safe in Sandy Bay where we live. I am now starting to realize some of the dangers here and the drug problems and poverty are more noticeable.

Food for thought: If we want to enjoy the people in our lives, we need to be patient with their progress. We must allow for their growth and development. And there's no such thing as a perfect adult. If you demand perfection of the people in your life in order to enjoy them, you're going to be miserable for the rest of your life. Nobody's perfect.
Jams of the week:
Arcade Fire - The Suburbs (anything from this album)
Kings of Leon - Radioactive
Cloud Cult - No one said it would be easy
Temper Trap - Sweet disposition
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